Press Releases

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EMARGO UNTIL 00:01 ON 31 DECEMBER 2024: Public urged to use services responsibly over the New Year period

People in the North East are being reminded to please only call 999 or visit A&E if their condition is a threat to life or limb as services continue to face high demand over the New Year weekend.

Ambulance outside of RVI

Region's health and emergency services leads urge the public to use health services responsibly over the festive period.

In the run-up to one of the busiest times of the year for health services, North East Ambulance Service and its partners are urging the public to use NHS services wisely as we approach Black Eye Friday, Christmas and New Year.

Ambulance door with NEAS name

Public urged to use emergency health services wisely this New Year weekend

People in the North East are being reminded to please only call 999 or visit A&E if their condition is a threat to life or limb as services continue to face high demand over the festive break.


Ambulance door with NEAS name

North East Ambulance Services declares critical incident due to extreme pressures

North East Ambulance Service has today (27 December 2022) declared a critical incident because of unprecedented pressure following the Christmas break impacting its ability to respond to patients.

Ambulance door with NEAS name

North East Ambulance Services declares critical incident due to extreme pressures

North East Ambulance Service has today (19 December) declared a critical incident as a result of unprecedented pressure impacting its ability to respond to patients.

Backward Ambulance Writing-2

Public urged to think before they dial 999 over Christmas and New Year

Ambulance bosses are again appealing for people in the North East to use precious ambulance resources wisely in the run up to one of the busiest weeks of the year.

Ambulance door with NEAS name

Plea to use emergency services wisely amid record 999 calls

North East Ambulance Service is making an urgent appeal to the public to only call its services in a life threatening emergency after a record number of 999 and NHS 111 calls is placing it under unprecedented pressure.

Ambulance door with NEAS name

Make use of 111 online for urgent care

People in the North East are being urged to make use of 111 online for medical advice as demand for 999 calls increases dramatically.